Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gmail - Inbox (13) - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com


The ER doctors said I had a partial bowel obstruction but the radiologist said my CT was perfectly normal? ER admitted me and had me NPO (nothing by mouth) for the obstruction but then the floor dr. had an ultra sound done for the gallbladder and that was normal too so since they weren't giving me half the medicine they were supposed to and only 1 of my 3 pain patches and they weren't controlling my stomach pain or my lower back pain or my neck pain. When I asked the dr. for nausea medication because they were going to give me one of my meds that makes be deathly sick to my stomach, he had them hook my IV back up even though I was already drinking lots and not getting sick at all, I got upset because it was already stinging like crazy and felt like it was going to blow any min. I don't have many veins left I have had so many IV's and blood tests done this past couple of weeks. I guess I just have really strained muscles because I remember straining my tummy muscles Wed night but I thought if that was it, it should have shown up Thursday morning not Friday night. Plus I had fallen Monday and strained everything trying to get back up. My CNA talked me in to going to ER because she thought it was my gallbladder and she said you don't want to wait until it get any worse. It was already hurting to take a deep breath or to yawn. It feels better today but that may just be because I got all the right medications and time is healing it. It felt like the day after you just started doing sit ups and decided you could do 100 to show off but the next day you couldn't hardly move.
Darlene in Co

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