Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a great few days

Wow it has been a wild time lately. Sat. I called my brother who just got into town from California and he was up in the mountains gambling.  It is an old gold rush town and a lot of the casinos kept it that way then somehow the big ones got in and built big fancy ones but a lot of the town is still quaint for people who have never been there (mainly his wife).  It was good for his memory too because he had a stroke recently and it has erased a lot of it.  So he should claim his trip as a medical write off right?  LOL  
As soon as I got off the phone with my Bro my niece called and said she was on her way down to see me. She lives in another town in the mountains just a few miles away from where my bro was.  I haven't seen her in about 3 1/2 years and she hasn't seen my bro since 1970.  Anyway Joye and her husband came down and they took me to Panda Buffet (one of my favorite places).  I slept almost all day Sunday just because it is so exhausting on me.
Yesterday my brother, his wife and his son came to see me and brought Jack in the box, then we looked through a lot of old family pictures.  They stayed about 4 1/2 hrs.   We took some pics outside as they we leaving (of course my battery was dead so I didn't get any of my own.) but they promised to send them to me via email.  My brother bought a Droid phone the day before they left so he was having a lot of fun trying to figure it out.  It was a sweet and sad reunion, as I thought it would probably be the last time I'd ever see him since neither one of us is in that great of health.  I had a nice surprise just before they left they told me the son is getting married in April so they are planning on coming back then (the good Lord willing). I hadn't seen him in 10 years so that will really be nice.  I hope my back will be good enough that I can go and actually enjoy the wedding.
 Today I am trying to work some but just being kind of lazy.  I am dying from the heat and I couldn't figure out why.  Todd never turned the cooler on after I asked him to..  We don't use it until I just get all stuffy and hot and feel like I can't breathe then we turn it back off as soon as the sun sets.

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