Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Imagine for a moment me being about 6 y/o and singing "Duane's got a girlfriend".  For those of you that don't know Duane, he is 22, non verbal, about 3 mentally (or maybe more if he's got a GF LOL) he also has Autism.  He just started a new day program and he also just got new glasses.  He sits next to a little girl that also has glasses and if she takes hers off he takes his off, if she hits the table he hits the table.  If his host home mom tells him to put his glasses back on he will put them on but sometimes they are one the side of his head.  He is so funny an so darn cute!  I wish you could all meet him.  He is such an  blessing to anyone that meets him.  Of course my opinion isn't biased at all! ;-).

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