Friday, December 10, 2010


I checked  my blog today and there was my first comment on a post.  Thank you, thank you Pat.  I'm pretty sure I have  decided one the peanut clusters.  It seems to be the only thing I can afford. 
Today was supposed to be shopping day but my regular aid is still sick and won't be back until Monday.  There is almost nothing in the house to eat except canned tomatoes, frozen veggies and frozen pizza which I will be having for dinner. My aid was supposed to go shopping for me today but I guess a person can't plan when the get sick.  The lady that filled in today was supposed to shop tomorrow but she got a phone call to come pick up her daughter because she is sick. So I get to train a new girl tomorrow too more than likely, so she will not have time to cook and go to the store.  This whole thing is really putting me in a real bind.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Homemade Christmas gifts

I'm still wanting and waiting for very inexpensive gift ideas to give to friends, one person suggested just give them Christmas cards.  I have a Hallmark program on my computer that came with my printer if I could  just figure out how to use it.

Please add your comments here.

My new Dr.

WOW I appreciate my new Dr.He came out again today to give me my script for morphine and upped my dosage of the oxycotton.  Hopefully I will get some kind of relief!  I have been miserable for about a week now.  My Fibro has been horrible, mind numbing  go out of my skin type of pain.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

.My Blog

I feel like I am only talking to myself so it seems more like a journal than a blog.  I was really hoping to meet some new people but it isn't happening.

What is your favorite Christmas cookie?  Mine is Italian wedding cookies I think we called them snowball cookies when I was young.  I think I could eat a whole pan full all by myself.  They are the round ones with a strong butter flavor, nuts and then rolled in powdered sugar.  YUM!

What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?  I remember my brother and I pulling peppermint taffy.  That was a lot harder than  it looks, but it  was always fun .  I couldn't wait for a big snowfall so we could make snow cream.  It was kind of like ice cream but so much fun to collect the clean fresh snow and getting to eat a yummy dessert just a few minutes later.  My mom and I also always made spritz cookies and sugar cookies. Mom always made divinity, I think that is almost a thing of the past.  Of course decorating the tree probably topped the list.  My best memories were about doing things as a family or with my mom not about shopping or what I got for Christmas.

HO HO HO Merry Christmas until we meet again.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Dr

The new Dr was an hour late but I didn't mind , it was much better waiting an hour in bed than an hour in a waiting room with sick people all around me.  He did more of an exam on me than than my other Dr. did the whole time I saw him.  He asked me if I had any hernias and I told him I don't know but I do know that I have this one spot that hurts when touched and really bad at other times usually right after I eat.  He came over to me and touched it and said it could either be my galbladder or pancreas and he wants to keep a close eye on it.  My other Dr. really never even touched me to see f it was a hernia or anything.  He didn't charge me for this visit and is coming back Monday even though he knows my insurance won't kick in until Dec. 1st so that won't be a paid visit either.  He can treat all the normal things like fever, flu, ear infections and sprains.  He can even put stitches in if necessary.  He will see you at home at a hotel at work where ever you are he will come to you.  He is much lower cost for people that don't have ins. $85 for the visit and of course lab test are extra he even says they do xrays but I imagine I would have to go on  site for that.  I suppose I could go where ever I want that is closer to my house but I'm not sure.  My nurse wants to start seeing him for her whole family because she doesn't have insurance and he is so much cheaper and a lot more convient than taking her kids 30 miles away to children's hospital.  She is also my sons host home mom.  We really love the Dr. he has but I think she is going to want to change just for the convience.  

It is a beautiful 49° here in beautiful Broomfield, Co I sure wish I could sit out in a chair without pain.  A town near by is having a 3 day winter fest with hundreds of  trees and even fire works one night I wish I could find someone to drive me to look at the lights,  I love another area that the whole subdivision decorates except for a very few that may not for religious reasons.  It looks like a complete fairly tale wonderland.  It is the prettiest thing I have ever seen in my 59 years of life so it much be pretty good cause I've seen a lot of things in my life. LOL  I still haven't thought of a thing I would like to send to my boys in AK if I do end up getting money.  I hope everyone is not stressing out as much as I am about Christmas,  I wish I could just go shopping and get a few things for all the people I love and care about and really enjoy to spirit of  Christmas.  I have a tiny tree for my bedroom and a bigger tree out in my shed but I can't find anywhere to put it up.  I also have a beautiful collection of a lighted Chrismas village that belonged to my mother.  I would LOVE to set it up but there is nowhere to put that either!  My mobile home is just too small :-(  .  I am broken hearted that when I moved someone wither donated, threw out or helped themselves to an old beat up amunition box that was filled with my mothers tree ornaments  some of them were extra special to me because they were bought the year I was born.  I even had a couple that belonged to my mom's mother that died when my mom was 8 years old, but I will always have my memories.  I just wish I had taken pictures of ornament that was special to me.  Some were bought and engraved with the name and year on it ea year I had a child.  I could sure use some ideas of something I could give to all my dear special friends that will cost me very little.  I'm thinking Russian tea mix in a baggie.  I used to give it with a holiday mug from the $ store for ea member of the family but I can't even afford to do that this year.  It is really hard to loose a little over  $1000 a mo and still get by.

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day.  It is a perfect day for holiday decorating outside here.  I don't have outside lights or anyone to put them up for me.  (but I still have my dreams and memories)

Love Darlene

Friday, November 26, 2010

Another day with possibilities

I am going to have to start going around singing "nobody loves me everybody hate me I'm gonna eat some worms."  It seems No One is reading my blog.  My friend wanted me to start writing a book about my life but I can't even get people to read a blog or make comments.

I hope no one was too miserable after eating all that good food yesterday.  My aid was such a sweetheart bringing me a plate, it had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and Spanish rice.  Her family is from Mexico so things were a little different than this white girl had ever had.  I never had chili powder and a jalapeƱo pepper in my stuffing before.  She also put squash in it.  It was good but took me a few minutes to get used to it.  She handed me a bowl and said this is dessert and it was candied yams.  I told her my mom always served them as another side dish with the dressing and potatoes and we had pumpkin pie for dessert.  Her sister was bringing a cheesecake but hadn't gotten home from work yet.  I felt like a very honored guest getting served first, and they were waiting dinner on her.  Actually I felt a little guilty.  I am so thankful to have people that REALLY care about me.  More than just for the money.  It really feels good to be loved.

I had gotten my hopes up that I had found a non medical transportation once a week so I could go see my son through his day program but that fell through.

I can't believe what I just found.  A Dr. that does house calls!  Not only that but he is coming  here just to meet me and see if I am still interested in his services.  It's perfect timing, if I call it in before the end of the month my insurance will cover it the 1st of Dec. so I am really excited.  My morning aids daughter is a paraplegic and she just started seeing this Dr. and they love him to death!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

I wish everyone a very happy day full of good food, family and friends.  Please don't forget to give thanks for every thing you have no matter how much or little there is always someone worse off than you that may not have any food or shelter at all today.  Love one another more than you love yourselves.  I may not be having dinner with my family and I my be eating flat on my back but my aid tonight cares enough about me to bring me dinner.  She is such a sweetheart.  I am thankful that I have food and friends that care about me and that we had a roof over our head and heat in the house it was 7° last night.  I pray non of the elderly, sick or homeless people died from the cold.  I live in a small mobile home but it is mine and it is warm.  Thank you Lord for all the blessings you give me.