Monday, September 13, 2010

Another PCP stoled from me.

I am so upset! My PCP this weekend was a substitute and she stoled some equipment from me that I need to return to Comcast. I wonder how much that will cost me.  .Of course I turned it into the company,but I wonder if I should also contact the police. It is more the fact that people think just because I am bed ridden I don't know what goes on in my home.  I'm physically disabled not menntally, at least not that bad LOL
The boss of the PCP company just called and she said she didn;t even touch the boxes but Todd had seen them on the couch that morning before she got here.  When Todd walked in he hit her with the door because she was behind it and he saw the stuff out of the box sitting on the lid of the box and she said it was the only place she could get her cell phone to work.  After that she took the other two boxes off the couch and stoled the contents of a second box and put the one box with the stuff still on it on top of the other two empty boxes.  She said she didn't touch any of the boxes.  Todd saw it so there is no doubt who did it this time.  I feel bad that she is a single mom but I just can't let her get by with it.  How many other clients is she stealing from?  They may NOT be as mentally as alert or have a Todd to help watch for things.  If it weren't for Todd I wouldn't have know, but he is so alert he would have even noticed if the boxes had been moved even an inch.  That is part of his Aspergers Syndrome he just notices every little thing.  Sometimes it is really anoying and sometimes it helps a lot! I think I'll keep him.  :-)

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