Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a great few days

Wow it has been a wild time lately. Sat. I called my brother who just got into town from California and he was up in the mountains gambling.  It is an old gold rush town and a lot of the casinos kept it that way then somehow the big ones got in and built big fancy ones but a lot of the town is still quaint for people who have never been there (mainly his wife).  It was good for his memory too because he had a stroke recently and it has erased a lot of it.  So he should claim his trip as a medical write off right?  LOL  
As soon as I got off the phone with my Bro my niece called and said she was on her way down to see me. She lives in another town in the mountains just a few miles away from where my bro was.  I haven't seen her in about 3 1/2 years and she hasn't seen my bro since 1970.  Anyway Joye and her husband came down and they took me to Panda Buffet (one of my favorite places).  I slept almost all day Sunday just because it is so exhausting on me.
Yesterday my brother, his wife and his son came to see me and brought Jack in the box, then we looked through a lot of old family pictures.  They stayed about 4 1/2 hrs.   We took some pics outside as they we leaving (of course my battery was dead so I didn't get any of my own.) but they promised to send them to me via email.  My brother bought a Droid phone the day before they left so he was having a lot of fun trying to figure it out.  It was a sweet and sad reunion, as I thought it would probably be the last time I'd ever see him since neither one of us is in that great of health.  I had a nice surprise just before they left they told me the son is getting married in April so they are planning on coming back then (the good Lord willing). I hadn't seen him in 10 years so that will really be nice.  I hope my back will be good enough that I can go and actually enjoy the wedding.
 Today I am trying to work some but just being kind of lazy.  I am dying from the heat and I couldn't figure out why.  Todd never turned the cooler on after I asked him to..  We don't use it until I just get all stuffy and hot and feel like I can't breathe then we turn it back off as soon as the sun sets.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

save on printer ink



Ellen vs Paula Survey Visa Card

Vote on your favorite American Idol and have the chance to win a $500 Visa Gift Card. go to http://www.aphlogin.com/aff_c?a8950ff_id=77446&offer_id=1

win the new Wii

Check this out to have a chance to win the new Wii @ http://www.aphlogin.com/aff_c?aff_id=77446&offer_id=68635

WOW the real deal

Imagine a site that really does pay real money for taking surveys, not just a sweepstakes for a chance to win something (I hate those sites).  I  did this yesterday and it took me about 5 min or less to fill out a few questions so they  know which surveys best fit you. Ck it out and make a few bucks while your at it.  Just copy and paste this addy in you browser to get you started .
Thanks.  Be sure to ck back often for 
new deals.  You can also follow me on my other blog for my almost daily posts on home health care and my special needs @ wheresallthegoodhelp.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Todays lunch/dinner and dinner/supper

My aid this morning make some really good breakfast burritos for the freezer I had one with leftover gr. chili I have enough gr. chili for one more and several burritos in the freezer.  Tonight I am going to have a simple supper of kind of a egg drop soup without the eggs.  If I am still hungry I will have a fried chicken patty sandwich.

Getting paid for reading emails

I think I am going to try this today.  I don't have much else to do.   Ck it out at http://www.aphlogin.com/aff_c?aff_id=77446&offer_id=15709

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Imagine for a moment me being about 6 y/o and singing "Duane's got a girlfriend".  For those of you that don't know Duane, he is 22, non verbal, about 3 mentally (or maybe more if he's got a GF LOL) he also has Autism.  He just started a new day program and he also just got new glasses.  He sits next to a little girl that also has glasses and if she takes hers off he takes his off, if she hits the table he hits the table.  If his host home mom tells him to put his glasses back on he will put them on but sometimes they are one the side of his head.  He is so funny an so darn cute!  I wish you could all meet him.  He is such an  blessing to anyone that meets him.  Of course my opinion isn't biased at all! ;-).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Asian beef kabobs

I had some Asian beef kabobs in the freezer that I got from the food bank so I had my homemaking aid cook that up for my dinner but the meat was so tough I couldn't even bite into it.  I think she may have over cooked it because SHE likes her meat very well done.  She told me the meat was really tender and I asked her if she had tasted it and she said no.  How would she know if it was tender or not?  Anyway I had her take them off the sticks and put the meat in one c of water in the digital PC for  15 min. and it automatically goes to warm for the rest of the day.  The meat was still tough and dry with no flavor, but at least it was edible now so we added some cauliflower & broccoli mix, some baby carrots and  terryaki sauce and called it done.  Actually other than over cooked dry beef  it was pretty good served it over rice. It was not as good as my favorite Chinese restaurant but who can afford eating out all the time?  I could eat Chinese or Mexican food almost every day!   What was you frugal meal today?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm sorry the link isn't going to the right place

When I tried to go there it took me to something about a webber grill.  Sorry for the confusion I am still learning how all of this works.  It seems like I am calling customer support everyday!

free sub sandwiches for a year

Wow would this make my son happy!  He LOVES sub sandwiches. Ck it out at http://www.aphlogin.com/aff_c?aff_id=77446&offer_id=35896

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another PCP stoled from me.

I am so upset! My PCP this weekend was a substitute and she stoled some equipment from me that I need to return to Comcast. I wonder how much that will cost me.  .Of course I turned it into the company,but I wonder if I should also contact the police. It is more the fact that people think just because I am bed ridden I don't know what goes on in my home.  I'm physically disabled not menntally, at least not that bad LOL
The boss of the PCP company just called and she said she didn;t even touch the boxes but Todd had seen them on the couch that morning before she got here.  When Todd walked in he hit her with the door because she was behind it and he saw the stuff out of the box sitting on the lid of the box and she said it was the only place she could get her cell phone to work.  After that she took the other two boxes off the couch and stoled the contents of a second box and put the one box with the stuff still on it on top of the other two empty boxes.  She said she didn't touch any of the boxes.  Todd saw it so there is no doubt who did it this time.  I feel bad that she is a single mom but I just can't let her get by with it.  How many other clients is she stealing from?  They may NOT be as mentally as alert or have a Todd to help watch for things.  If it weren't for Todd I wouldn't have know, but he is so alert he would have even noticed if the boxes had been moved even an inch.  That is part of his Aspergers Syndrome he just notices every little thing.  Sometimes it is really anoying and sometimes it helps a lot! I think I'll keep him.  :-)

update on visit with Duane

Duane did much better the rest of the day.  I could hear him laughing out in the kitchen with Todd.  He kept coming in to see me or at least to watch my ceiling fan, but at least I got to talk to him. :-)  I even got him to laugh a couple of times when I told him I could hear him laughing and having fun with Todd.  He sure does love his brother.  He even laid down next to me and let me scratch his head.  He loves to be scratched on his back, arms, legs, or head, but that is the only thing I could do without hurting me too much.  Actually he likes more of just a really light touch on his arms and legs.  It ended up being a great day.  Steve even said Duane was really good the rest of the day and if I want to do it again in about 3 weeks he MIGHT be up for it.  Steve doesn't like to commit to anything.  Even when he is saying yes he says there is about a 95%  of him doing it even if it is the night before.  Sometimes that is really maddening because it really leaves me hung up o holidays if he decides to go to see his family in another city.  Then he is out having fun and I am alone.  He just doesn't get that holidays are really important to me and that I have no one else in my life to spend time with.  Todd doesn't celebrate them at all.

Wal Mart woes

I got a call this morning from Wal Mart to come pick up my new lenses for my glasses.  The trouble is they lost my frames. I hope they find them they were only 1 year old.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I got to see my son today

We went and picked up my son from his host home and we are to have him for 4 hours.  We took him out for lunch but had to end up bringing his food home. He kept banging his head on the wall and screaming out.  I don't know if there was some kind of noise he tuned into that we didn't notice or what but he kept hitting his nose and and his hand on the table and wall.  He even hit me about 6 times and then my friend came and moved him away from me.  My friend is so sweet he has been so protective of me the last 3 years since I had my last back surgery and ended up in the wheelchair.  Duane (my son) is better now that we got home.  He even laughed a few times when his brother tickled him. He is non verbal so he acts out when he is hurting.  Thank God they had given him a Vicodin BEFORE we picked him up.  I think it finally starting to kick in. Right now we are still on pins and needles to see if he is going to get better..  He is trying to be happy , he makes some happy noises and then he cries out and hits himself or bangs his head on the wall and he keeps hyperventilating and almost passes out.  Well mystery solved Duane has some really bad gas so he is probably having gas pains.  Steve thought for sure he had done something in his pants but it was just gas but Steve brought him in to me to check him. :-)   As far as I know he takes himself to the bathroom every time he has to go potty,  he just has to be supervised and wiped if needed.  He is doing VERY WELL with potty training.  I'm so proud of him. :-)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

More about my studying

I forgot to mention when I was through studying I tried to call customer service to see what to do next I found out they are closed for the weekend. grrr  If I can stay awake I guess I'll go to the next product on my list and start looking for a demographic group that would like "Blog Success: The $9000 a mo Blogging system".  That sounds interesting for to me.

Busy studying

First of all I have to take time to thank God for letting me stay awake long enough to study and Blog.  Yesterday I slept all day long.  I hope I'm not fighting the shingles again because my nerve pain has been really bad again and all I want to do is sleep even with less medicine.  Today I have been doing my homework and going through all the companies that I want advertise for.  I also went through twitter and joined several people to follow.  I am looking for people that dress modest and not tacky!  I think I am following 25 people now but I have no idea how many I need to follow to get my following up to at least 300 people before I contact the companies to start advertising for them.  All of the people I picked today will be potential customers for the Bra Clip.  I still have to look for other demographic groups for the other products I have selected.  Keep checking back to see the different groups of people I choose and if you can figure out how to leave feedback I could use help wording my search in twitter for the demographics for ea item.Thanks talk to ya soon,

Friday, September 10, 2010

my business experience

WOW there is so much to learn . Every time I do something right I find out there are at least 3 other things I am doing wrong. Maybe someday I'll get it right. It is really hard when you are so computer illiterate. I was sending people to my website and yesterday I found out that it is only meant for me to look at and then decide which items I wan't to advertise for. That was about 2 weeks wasted. Grrrrr. Maybe I'll get it started someday but right now it is still a very much learn as I make mistakes not just as I go LOL. The more people that tell me it won't work the more determined I am to make it work. I hate to be told I can'r do anything. :=)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I was informed that there were no instructions for the flour less cake.  I looked it up in my recipes I saved and there are no instructions there either so I will try to find it in my old emails.  Sorry about that  .If I find it I will post it immediately.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

home from the hospital

I am home from the hospital.  I blew the Dr. away because I wanted to come home when I was still in so much pain.  I know there were a lot of typos and not making a lot of sense in the last post.  Sorry for all the confusion. I'm not seeing really good today. Probably because of the meds I take but I am still in pain but NOT as bad as I was in the hospital.  It least my shingles pain is under control.

Gmail - Inbox (13) - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com


The ER doctors said I had a partial bowel obstruction but the radiologist said my CT was perfectly normal? ER admitted me and had me NPO (nothing by mouth) for the obstruction but then the floor dr. had an ultra sound done for the gallbladder and that was normal too so since they weren't giving me half the medicine they were supposed to and only 1 of my 3 pain patches and they weren't controlling my stomach pain or my lower back pain or my neck pain. When I asked the dr. for nausea medication because they were going to give me one of my meds that makes be deathly sick to my stomach, he had them hook my IV back up even though I was already drinking lots and not getting sick at all, I got upset because it was already stinging like crazy and felt like it was going to blow any min. I don't have many veins left I have had so many IV's and blood tests done this past couple of weeks. I guess I just have really strained muscles because I remember straining my tummy muscles Wed night but I thought if that was it, it should have shown up Thursday morning not Friday night. Plus I had fallen Monday and strained everything trying to get back up. My CNA talked me in to going to ER because she thought it was my gallbladder and she said you don't want to wait until it get any worse. It was already hurting to take a deep breath or to yawn. It feels better today but that may just be because I got all the right medications and time is healing it. It felt like the day after you just started doing sit ups and decided you could do 100 to show off but the next day you couldn't hardly move.
Darlene in Co

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Duane had 2 Dr. apts yesterday. He went to the eye Dr. and they said he is extremely near eye sighted. Micheal picked out glasses that look like goggles because he thinks they will be more durable. If he has to wear his goggles all the time to see far away how will he still see up close? He won't have the ability to take them off to see things up close. I hope they don't look too dorky. :-) He also went to the ENT and he needs surgery to have his nose reset. I don't know how they will keep him from re breaking it before it is even healed. Do they have some kind of a nose guard to protect it? He has a deviated septum and can't breathe out of the left side of his nose at all. It is totally blocked and Dana thinks that may be why he has been hyper ventilating all these years. The Dr. said that it can give you really bad headaches. If he stops hyper ventilating and holding his breath until he passes out and then hits himself I am going to make a complaint on his old Dr. She refused to give him anything for pain because how do I know he had a headache? Just because he can't tell people he has a headache doesn't mean he doesn't have one.. I have been telling his Drs. for years that I thought he had a headache. First it was his medicine and now this. I can't even imagine how much pain he has been in all these years. Poor little guy! I can't believe everything he has been through. He is such a trooper. No wonder he was banging his head into walls. Dana thinks he is a nose breather (I really never noticed) I would just assume that if you can't breathe through your nose you would automatically breathe through your mouth. Try plugging the left side of your nose and don't breathe out of your mouth. I could only do it about one minute and felt like I was suffocating. I hope he gets it fixed soon but my back Dr. said that since I had Medicaid they had to book my apt 6 months out and it took six months to get into the dental surgeon. He does have medicare also so hopefully that will help speed it up.