Saturday, August 21, 2010

need blog followers

I think I just created and posted my very first blog at 3 days ago and I really need your input  since I am teaching myself everything.  I am totally blogging illiterate other than reading a few other peoples.  I will try to post something everyday just to get used to it.

Please sign up to follow me I'll need as many followers as possible when I do start up my business( for those of you that are willing at that time).  Right now I just need the experience.  Just learning how it all works.   I am going to try to start an affiliate internet advertising from home business but I should have hundreds or even a thousand followers before I even try to start the business.  I may fail again but I can't just give up.  This is something I can do from laying in my bed ,  I just need a lot of followers that can click on different clicks as I post them.  Even Edison had over 1000 failures at inventing the light bulb  but he never gave up.  Something will work for me some day or I'll still be trying as long as I have the ability too.  I would love to leave something for my boys after I die.  I didn't have anything left to me when my dad, step dad, mom or husband died.  I don't want to do that to my boys and that is where I stand right now.  Plus it would be great to get off Medicaid and have  a good private health  insurance .  I want desperately to get off government assistance completely  Maybe even invest in some gold and silver, I have a friend that does that and he hasn't had to work in 3 years since has last job owner came in one day and said don't come back we sold the business and the new owners are going to tear it down..  
Darlene in Co

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