Tuesday, August 31, 2010



We were told a few days ago that Duane had a really bad day at the day program . They said he cried and beat himself for 4 hours! They know he does this when he is in pain. It took a behavioral specialist to tell them this after hours of study when that is what I have been saying for years. By the way he keeps breaking his nose doing this! He is probably going to have to have surgery to reset it. His Dr. thinks it is causing him breathing problems. They gave him an IB with no results but refused to call anyone to come get him or give him his Vicodin that they are not allowed to give him even with a Drs. order. They should have sent him home. Yesterday he hit the bus driver 3 times and she went to the door and told Dana she had to come get him off the bus and then he hit her and he has never hit her before. She said he came home without his little fish he clings onto (so it could have been a tantrum but) she also said he was really gassy and he kept putting his hand on his head so he may have had severe gas pains (I get them and they are worse than labor pains) and a headache. I have fought with Drs. for 21 years because he couldn't talk so how did I KNOW he was in pain it could just be his autism and I needed to get used to it and then I was told he needed to learn how to control himself even if he was in pain. What the heck is he supposed to do? HELLO He can't talk. I get really upset that people don't listen to the parents more often. We are the one that have watched his behavior for years day and night good and bad days. I just thank God everyday for his Dr. that felt his pain and gave him his first Vicodin and believes us that something is wrong and sends him to specialist to check it out. I am very thankful that Dana is a nurse and found out that one of the main medications Duane was on listed stomach distress as the very first side affect, He had been on it for years. He is MUCH calmer now that he is off of it, she is trying to get him off his physic atrophic drugs but if these outbursts increase he may really need them. It is just a trial and error stage right now. He is almost off of them but they MAY have to increase them we just have to wait and see how he does.


 Ingredients (8 Servings)

Butter-flavored cooking spray
5 egg whites
4 oz. baking chocolate, bar,
   bittersweet, chopped
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, ground
   (also try almonds or hazelnuts)
1/2 cup Splenda® No Calorie
   Sweetener, granulated
1/2 cup sour cream
2 eggs

Darlene Sundstrom

Darlene Sundstrom
This looks like a really interesting interesting recipe for FLOURLESS CHOCOLATE CAKE. I recieved it in an email from Acucheck and on the side bar it said Bon appetite

Ingredients (8 Servings)

Butter-flavored cooking spray
5 egg whites
4 oz. baking chocolate, bar,
bittersweet, chopped
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, ground
(also try almonds or hazelnuts)
1/2 cup Splenda® No Calorie
Sweetener, granulated
1/2 cup sour cream
2 eggs

Monday, August 30, 2010

Gmail - Inbox (31) - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

I am having a horrible time with my eyes. I guess I have allergy eyes for the first time in my life this year. They are itchy and blurry and hurt. I can barely open them more than a slit for the past 2 days. I'm also getting realy bad headaches with them. Sorry I don't have more to say.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gmail - FW: NEW ADULT CPR METHOD - important - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Gmail - FW: NEW ADULT CPR METHOD - important - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

The New, simpler CPR method

Interesting to note that certification is not required.

If you haven't seen this, you should. If you have seen it, it won't hurt to see it again.

This is a new CPR technique which is much simpler.

This is a very important video regarding the latest CPR procedure. Please watch and forward to your friends and family if you haven't already done so. You never know, a life may be saved utilizing this new procedure.


My Dr. apt today

Gmail - Trash - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

My CT scan with dye went really well. My friend Steve took me dropped me off and then came back to get me later, that way I didn't have to wait hours until a cab decided to come get me. They took me in right away which was good but they had to stick me 3 times once in the bend in front of each elbow so every time I bend my arm one of them is still hurting. Steve helped me get settled into bed and then he took off and I slept for 3 hours and had to make myself stay awake. I was kinda of bad though on the way home I made a quick stop at Wendy's to bring home a Jr bacon cheeseburger deluxe w/o the cheese. It's the cheapest way to get they lettuce and tomato I wanted and still have a cheap burger and an order of extra crispy fries. I could have been much badder (is that a real word?) I guess I should have said worse LOL. Oh well, I really wanted a Frosty but I resisted the sugar. :-)

FB Warning

Gmail - Compose Mail - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com
The warning I posted about the FB Warning was false sorry I didn't check it out first.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gmail - Facebook warning!! - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Gmail - Facebook warning!! - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

NOT join the group currently on Facebook with the title "Becoming a
Father or Mother was the greatest gift of my life" It is a group of
Pedophiles trying to access your photos. This was on FoxNews at 5.
Please copy and post!!! Let's keep our children safe!!(Please take
a......minute to copy & paste)


My fajitas were horrible! I think the beef had been freezer burned. I had to throw this out too and it was enough for about 3 dinners. I ended up eating a can of chicken noodle soup. :-(

Todays lunch/dinner and dinner/supper

We made nachos today.  We took Cheese packs leftover out of mac and cheese made with water.  That said I had my aid put a layer of chips, cheese sauce, refried beans, and homemade salsa.  We usually put guacamole with it but my avocados were bad.  I could only eat half of what she brought me.  I hate throwing food out but I really don't know what to do with soggy leftover nachos.  Now that I think about it I suppose I could have used it under a base of chili and corn in a casserole but it's too late this time.
Tonight I will be having fajitas.  Yum.  I just wish I had some of my favorite salsa from a small cafe that I love "Cafe Mexico".


I am still trying to find a ride to the DR tomorrow to get my  CT scan of my liver to find out why it is inflamed..  I have to drink that chalky stuff about an hour before and then get an IV with dye.  That is really hard do to do when I am not well hydrated.  Wish me luck.  :-)


That last posts was supposed to have about 10 pictures to go with it,  I guess there is a limit to the size you can post.  Sorry it didn't work it was really neat all the things this person carved out of the ends of pencils even the leads.

Gmail - [4on4] Fw: Pencils..... - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Gmail - [4on4] Fw: Pencils..... - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sorry about the typeo's

I thought I could get it bigger so I could see it better but when I went to that page it had already been posted before I could proof read it.  Boy I look pretty stupid. LOL

Gmail - [PC-Recipes] Digest Number 4444 - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Hi I went to the I Dr. yesterday and my script was totally different. I told her the last glasses didn't seem to help as much as the dollar store glasses. She told me that the last script
wasn't even made for a person with a stimatisim the curvature of the lense was totally wrong. No wonder they didn't work! The sad part is that Sr. Charged $250 because she was an optamologist and she should have been good because I took Duane to her about 18 years ago! I wonder how many other people are getting the wrong scripts. I asked my new Dr. if they could do a special needs child but they siad they have to at least be verbal. He isn't now and he certaintly wasn't 18 yrs ago. I hate it when I find out these Drs.are making all this money and not even doing it right. For a whole year I've been thinking it must have been the medication I was taking making my eyse so blurry. It will be interesting to see what the new glasses will do. I found out that if I use my frames that were only 1 yr old I can get new lenses put in them for $49 at Wal Mart.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gmail - Fw: Iceland Volcano

Gmail - Fw: Iceland Volcano -

A really good friend of mind sent these pictures to me. They are pretty awesome. I can't imagine living any where near all that ash. It must be really hard to breathe.

1928K View Download

Gmail - Fw: Iceland Volcano

Gmail - Fw: Iceland Volcano -

A really good friend of mind sent these pictures to me. They are pretty awesome. I can't imagine living any where near all that ash. It must be really hard to breathe.

1928K View Download

Gmail - Fwd: Fw: Small Request -

I received this from my cousin and thought I would pass it along too.

Small Request - this seems like it might be worthwhile to pass along.

Cancer is a strange cell. You can go along for years in remission and then one day it pops its head up again.

Pray for the day there will be a permanent cure.


93% won't forward, but I'm Sure You Will.........

A small request.....Just one line

Dear God, I pray that You will guide someone to find a cure for cancer.

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating...
Even if it's only to one more person.
In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle...

Please Keep This Candle Going

need blog followers

I think I just created and posted my very first blog at  http://darlenesundstrom.blogspot.com 3 days ago and I really need your input  since I am teaching myself everything.  I am totally blogging illiterate other than reading a few other peoples.  I will try to post something everyday just to get used to it.

Please sign up to follow me I'll need as many followers as possible when I do start up my business( for those of you that are willing at that time).  Right now I just need the experience.  Just learning how it all works.   I am going to try to start an affiliate internet advertising from home business but I should have hundreds or even a thousand followers before I even try to start the business.  I may fail again but I can't just give up.  This is something I can do from laying in my bed ,  I just need a lot of followers that can click on different clicks as I post them.  Even Edison had over 1000 failures at inventing the light bulb  but he never gave up.  Something will work for me some day or I'll still be trying as long as I have the ability too.  I would love to leave something for my boys after I die.  I didn't have anything left to me when my dad, step dad, mom or husband died.  I don't want to do that to my boys and that is where I stand right now.  Plus it would be great to get off Medicaid and have  a good private health  insurance .  I want desperately to get off government assistance completely  Maybe even invest in some gold and silver, I have a friend that does that and he hasn't had to work in 3 years since has last job owner came in one day and said don't come back we sold the business and the new owners are going to tear it down..  
Darlene in Co

todays new PCPom@gmail.com

I got another new PCP today, as a first impression she's a keeper. She knows how to cook and she shops sales and she is very organized. Today she filled in for the girl that was supposed to come. I have had the other girl for about 3 weeks and one time she had her mom fill in for her another day she had to leave early to go to the Dr. and today she called in and said her daughter was sick. It sure is hard to find good help when they only pay them $8 hr.
Please sign up to follow me I'll need as many followers as possible when I do start up my business( for those of you that are willing at that time). Right now I just need the experience. Just learning how it all works. Thanks

a godd day

Gmail - Compose Mail - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

I went to the Dr. yesterday and he gave me the good news that I do NOT have Hepatitis. After that I treated my friend that drove me to the Dr. to some chips and (killer) salsa at one of my favorite places and have some good one on one time with a girlfriend. I don't get much of that . I had to take extra medicine just to get to the Dr. so I wasn't in too much pain, in fact I might have been a tad bit high? I was very chatty and happy and pain free for about 3-4 hours. I wasn't really completely pain free but very happy to have some relief. The first real pain was just as I got home and climbed back into bed just as the meds were wearing off so it was perfect timing.
Darlene in Co

Friday, August 20, 2010

Gmail - [4on4] new dress a day - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Gmail - [4on4] new dress a day - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

A friend I have online posted this and I loved it. Went to look and was amazed at what this girl could do. She buys $1 dress and remakes it into a dress for herself. Also there are other tidbits in her blog. Thought perhaps some of you would be interested in having a look too.I wish I had her taltent. Hey guys have your wives check it out just think of how much money you'd save if your wife likes this site.

Darlene in Co


Gmail - Fw: DeStift.com » Dubai Fountains - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Gmail - Fw: DeStift.com » Dubai Fountains - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Very pretty.
The Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas also has a very striking water display .

Gmail - Fw: video of the day - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

This is so much like Duane it is unreal but he doesn't communicate on a regular computer he uses a special computer that uses pictures. He thinks in pictures is the theory behind that. I know he used to know numbers quite well and he could find the letters when I told him to find D he would type it. We spelled Duane completely. He does also have the brain damage from the water on his brain so I think he may still function lower than normal but much more than he does now. I just lost it a couple of times (literally sobbing) . The first time is when the dad was talking about not putting his daughter in a group home, he sad you just can't give up your kid. The second time is when he was talking about the time his daughter thanked him for never giving up on her because she knew how difficult it ts to deal with her and then she told him she loves him. The tantrums will give you an ides of what we dealt with for almost 22 yrs, Most of the people I send this too will already know this but some do not.
Subject: Fw: video of the day


Mute autistic girl finds a voice


- Fw: video of the day - darlenesundstrom@gmail.com

Thursday, August 19, 2010

beautiful fountains

I had never seen anything like this before.  Needless to say I have never been to Las Vegas either.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I did.