Wednesday, November 24, 2010

OMGosh hmm hmm good

I had my aid put a ham in the pressure cooker with 1 c water, some honey and some brown sugar ( sorry no recipe  so I don't know how much of ea she put in)  for 30 min just to infuse the flavors. For some reason part of it was really dry almost like it was freezer burned but I wasn't going to waste a $10 ham so we left it for several more hours on warm (like low on a slow cooker)  Boy was that the right thing to do! That ham soaked in all that fantastic flavor and was nice and moist. My blood sugar went up a little higher but since all I ate was meat it wasn't too bad.  Sorry Honey Baked Ham Store you've got some serious competition here.  Not that I could ever afford one of theirs anyway, but now I don't feel so deprived.  :-)  The only reason I even know what they taste like is my brother sent one to my mom for Christmas about 12-15 years ago.  The only thing I would have liked better is if it had been spiral sliced.  I do miss going in and just grabbing a few slices to nibble on.  I wonder if the butcher at the grocery store now days could slice it while you wait like they do roast into 1" steaks for me when I can get a good sized roast for $2.88lb.  I get one once or twice a year.  I really wish I could afford to stock up when things go on sale but I am lucky to just be able to treat myself to something every now and then.  It is really hard for me to keep my food budget down because it seems like the only thing that doesn't make my stomach hurt really bad is meat.  Unfortunately I don't really like chicken very much except wings. I make myself eat it but I can't really say I like it that much.  I like BBQ sandwiches but I'm not supposed to have the bread.  I also like a good grilled chicken sandwiches with lettuce and tomato but again there's that ugly bread issue.  Fish here in the Denver area seems too be too expensive.  The only things I have found that don't really  make my stomach hurt are ham, steaks, ribs, and tacos and chicken wings and Kung Pao Shrimp.  I wish I could find a good sale on shrimp.. I can't tolerate a lot of veggies either, I do make veggie soup quite often with beef broth and one pkg of soup veggies but I mostly eat the broth. I used to be able to tolerate big pots of bean soup.  I really like it but now beans don't agree with me either.  The Dr. doesn't seem to know what is going on with my stomach.  Like I mentioned before in an older post (i think) I have to be re scoped next monrh, just had it done last month but they didn't like something they saw and want to keep an eye on it. I can't have much sugar or milk products either and not many potatoes.  I have lost 46 lbs since April by severely restricting my flour and sugar and potatoes.  I need a bunch of surgeries if you read my back posts that will catch you up.  The more weight I loose the easier my recovery will be.
I hope everyone has a great day filled with many blessing and be sure to take time to thank God for everything you do have.  I know sometimes it's hard when we are used to having so much more in this day and age.

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