Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sorry I haven't been around much.  I have been working really hard trying to get my affiliate business going.  I won't know if I am making any money until after Nov. 15th and the 1ST CHECK WILL ONLY BE FOR 2 WEEKS AND THE  (OOPS SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS) the places I place ads for have 30 days to turn it in to the people that pay me.  Then they said something about 45 days to get the pay check,  All I know I made on the first ck was $2.01 LOL  hopefully I will have a little more than that but I was doing everything wrong at first so I may not really know until the next ck when ever that will be.  I am getting about 100 clicks per day somebody should be signing up for something, surveys, or buying things  check out all my ads at  If this doesn't work all I have lost is $40 and a lot of my spare time laying here in bed.  Sure that would be really sad because I have put my heart into trying to learn how to blog and tweet and get this thing  going.  I'm not giving up but I have to admit it is really hard to keep spending hours working when you don't know if your making ANY money.  Time will tell.  Maybe God is trying to teach me a lesson on patience.  I'm not sure why because I think I am one of the most patient people in the world.  You have to be when you have a non verbal autistic son with many other special needs and medications and side affects.  His host home mom took him off 2 of the meds he was taking and diet pop , and he is doing a lot better.  She is a nurse and looked up the side affects of Duane's meds and found out that 2 of them and the diet pop could be giving him stomach pain and headaches so she got the Drs. OK to ween him off of them.  I had been telling the Drs. for YEARS that I though either his head or stomach was hurting him.  His old Drs. said it would be impossible for him to have headaches EVERYDAY.  I guess it WOULD BE POSSIBLE if they kept giving them to him.  I'm waiting to hear about a class action law suit that says one of his meds caused his seizure disorder.
Speaking of Duane he is doing really well since his surgery.  I don't know when I am going to get to see him again,  I am still grieving over having to let him move out.  I miss him soo much.  I start crying every time I think about him.
I am still having a lot of pain in my stomach which the Drs. can't figure out what is causing it.  I had an endoscopy done about 2 weeks ago but I guess the biopsy turned out normal because they never called me with results but I am going to call them Monday if I can stay awake long enough.  They did say my stomach is still red and inflamed even though I take 20 mg of Nexium morning and night.  I was in so much pain this morning after eating a small amt of chili that it doubled me over. The chili was not spicy and I had it the last 2 days and it didn't bother me at all.  I had a bean burrito with mild gr chili and salsa and it didn't bother me at all.  Last night I had roast beef and it really hurt my stomach so I am going to try taking that stomach med again but I didn't think it worked the last time I tried it.  The Dr. told me I can take it as needed.  I can go a week and not have any trouble and them BAM out of nowhere!  This is the same pain I was having a month or so ago and spent 2 days in the hospital having all kinds of tests and nothing showed up.  This pain is not in my mind darn it!  To top everything else the wet weather yesterday made my FM flare up and I ached so bad I was going out of my mind.  I thought for sure I was going to have a panic attack but i got lucky and got the pain under control just in time.  Pain and lack of medicine causes my systems of a panic attack or withdrawl.  My FM is still giving me upper back pain today after all my meds.  I took them about 10:30 so I guess it may be wearing off.  I want to wait closer to dinner time so I don't have such horrible pains when I eat dinner about 7PM.  I am snacking on red grapes they have been sooo good the last few weeks.  I wish I had gotten more cantaloupe when it was cheaper.  
That's about all for today but that should pretty much catch you up.  Thank God for Todd he helps me so much.  He helps train all the substitute or new aids that come in to help.  He knows how to work my appliances better than I do.  He pretty much knows where all my groceries are and that helps a lot since that is the main thing my morning girls do.  They fix me a lunch, dinner to be eaten later and a sandwich on Oat nut bread to eat with my bedtime meds.  I usually only eat half the sandwich with a whole tomato.  I also snack on a another tomato between dinner and bedtime.-
 I hope this finds everyone safe and healthy and happy.

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