Friday, October 15, 2010

visit with Duane

Sunday I had a wonderful but short visit with Duane for about an hour.  He was slapping his ears and was talking on his computer before he came over saying that his ears were hurting.  Even though he was in pain he was so glad to see us and Todd had him laughing so much.  It was nice to see him in such a great mood.

He is scheduled to go in for surgery at 6AM about 30-40 miles from here Tuesday AM.  They have to go in and re break his nose and fix his deviated septum (SP)  anyway fix it so he can breathe out of the left side of his nose again.  He keeps breaking it hitting himself in the nose when he is is pain.  It is critical that he doesn't hit his nose again for 6 weeks so he is going to have to wear a helmet with a full plastic front on it with a cut out right at the nose but it says it will protect the nose.  I don't see how!  He can't eat with it on so he will have arm boards on to keep him from bending his elbows to hit his nose.  I don't think he is going to be happy for the next six weeks.  It just breaks my heart that he is going to have to go through this.  He loves to eat and drink a lot of water and I just can't see people taking the time to change from the helmet to the arm bands just to give him a drink. I don't think he will be getting a drink every time he wants one and that is upsetting to me because I have meds that make me have cotton mouth and the way he drinks so much I wonder if he has the same issue.  I think this is going to really mess up his Halloween.  Hopefully he will be ok  for Thanksgiving and can eat all he wants without a mask and helmet but I have a feeling that may not be quite 6 weeks at that time.  I haven't counted it out on a calendar yet.  I just found out about this a couple of days ago.  The next day I had an endoscopy and 2 biopsy's in my stomach so I haven't been quite up to par.  I've having some stomach cramping and so I've been sleeping quite a bit to escape the pain.

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