Friday, December 10, 2010


I checked  my blog today and there was my first comment on a post.  Thank you, thank you Pat.  I'm pretty sure I have  decided one the peanut clusters.  It seems to be the only thing I can afford. 
Today was supposed to be shopping day but my regular aid is still sick and won't be back until Monday.  There is almost nothing in the house to eat except canned tomatoes, frozen veggies and frozen pizza which I will be having for dinner. My aid was supposed to go shopping for me today but I guess a person can't plan when the get sick.  The lady that filled in today was supposed to shop tomorrow but she got a phone call to come pick up her daughter because she is sick. So I get to train a new girl tomorrow too more than likely, so she will not have time to cook and go to the store.  This whole thing is really putting me in a real bind.